
Your Learning Journey Begins

We are a community of facilitators and learners. Whether it is your first time hiring a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW), first time conducting a talent search, first time caring for an elderly or first time coming to Singapore as an MDW, begin your journey with us. With our innovative e-Learning and ChatToLearn platform, we are able to deliver both classroom lessons as well as interactive e-Learning.

Our proprietary e-Learning authoring tool provides a mobile-first learning journey anywhere, any time and on any device. It allows us to better design and deliver our learning curricula and reach out to the larger community. Our very popular and intuitive Employers' Orientation Programme (EOP) is built on our e-Learning platform. After all, it's about your learning, it's about your journey.

Employers' Orientation Programme built on our e-Learning platform

Our new AI-enabled ChatToLearn bot transforms lesson instructions into chats. It's interactive, bite-sized learning delivered to your device. Learn at your own time, anywhere and on any device. It's social micro-learning on-the-go. Try out our ChatToLearn mini courses by clicking on our chatbot at the bottom of our web pages. Click here to find out more.

Contact us today for a discussion on your learning needs.

Employers’ Orientation Programme (EOP)

Begin your journey with your new MDW with us

Register online at www.eop.com.sg for Migrant Domestic Worker Employers’ Orientation Programme (MDW EOP) and get started straightaway.

What is this course about?

The Migrant Domestic Worker Employers’ Orientation Programme (MDW EOP) will help you understand your role and responsibilities as an employer of a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW). You are required by Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to attend the Employers’ Orientation Programme (EOP) if you are hiring a migrant domestic worker (MDW) for the first time.

Mode of the delivery is either online or classroom. Participants can choose to attend either one to obtain the certificate.

To register for Online EOP, click here.

To register for Classroom EOP, click here.

FAQs on EOP, click here.

Settling-In Programme (SIP)

Begin your new MDW journey with us

What is this course about?

Migrant Domestic Worker Settling-in Programme (MDW SIP) helps to induct first-time migrant domestic workers (MDWs) in Singapore so that they can better adapt to the cultural and social expectations of being a MDW in Singapore. They will also learn safety tips while working in high-rise residential homes during the SIP.

MDW SIP is conducted in English, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog and Burmese. We also provide International classes where the curriculum is translated into various languages, such as Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Khmer (Cambodian), Thai etc.

Target Audience: First-time Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs)

Course Duration: 1 day

To register for SIP, click here.

Certificate of Employment Intermediaries (CEI)

Begin your new professional journey with us

What is this course about?

The Certificate of Employment Intermediaries (CEI) aims to equip employment agency (EA) personnel with knowledge of employment laws and regulations. This ensures that EA personnel understand their obligations under the law and are able to advise their clients of their rights and responsibilities.

We recognise your anxiety of needing to pass the CEI examination as you begin your career in the talent search industry. That is why at GMC, it is not just about delivering the training materials but also addressing the need to 'tackle' the examination questions. This is what GMC has come to be known in our delivery of CEI lessons and we are grateful for the acknowledgement given by our clients who have repeatedly sent their new EA hires to our CEI classes. To date, we have trained more than 9,000 professionals.

Target Audience: EA Personnel

To view CEI class schedules, click here.

To register for CEI, click here.

For more information on the CEI, please refer to MOM website and also read the CEI Frequently Asked Questions.

Caregiver Training Grant (CTG) Courses

Begin your caregiver training with us

What is Caregiver Training Grant?

The Caregivers Training Grant is a $200 annual subsidy1 that lets caregivers attend approved courses to better care for their loved ones. The $200 subsidy is provided for each care recipient every financial year (from April to March the following year). If multiple caregivers of the same care recipient wish to attend training, the $200 would need to be shared among the family members.

The list of courses available under the Caregivers Training Grant can be found in the course catalogue here. The trainer could conduct the class in your home, or in a classroom at a training centre. You can also use a computer or other electronic devices to learn, by watching videos and reading training materials.

You must pay at least $10 after registering2. Please refer to AIC website for more information.


 Course Fee

  • Home based: S$310.65
  • Classroom based: S$196.20 (Minimum class size applies)

In addition to CTG, households may also apply for Home Caregiving Grant (HCG). HCG is a $200 monthly cash payout (HCG has been enhanced on 1 March 2023, increasing the HCG payouts from the existing $200 per month to up to $400 per month) to support your loved ones with at least permanent moderate disability, i.e. always require some assistance to perform 3 or more Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).  This grant can be used to defray the costs of caregiving expenses, such as the costs of eldercare and caregiver support services in the community, or hiring of a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW). Means-testing applies. For more information, please visit AIC website.

Please call 6299 4333 or email caregiver@gmcs.com.sg for booking.

1 From 1 Apr 2024, eligible beneficiaries will start off with a $400 grant. Each year, there will be a top up to care recipients’ Caregivers Training Grant by $200, and unused monies can be carried forward, with the Caregivers Training Grant monies for each care recipients capped at $400. See FAQ below for more information.

2 From 18 Nov 2023, Singaporean Caregivers who are attending an eligible caregivers training course may also tap on their SkillsFuture Credits to make the co-payment.